Hi Cycling Enthusiasts!!
Greetings from Pedals and Wheels -
As you all know, Bangalore, is one on the first Indian Cities which is getting on the "Go Green Path" at a very fast pace.
Considering this, we at Pedals and Wheels have come up with a store to fulfill all the Biking/Cycling needs. We offer, sales and service of imported cycles and required accessories.
To Kick Start 2010 in a Clean Green Way we invite all the cycling enthusiasts to join us, on our Cycling Trips, in order to promote community cycling a well as announce that, we Bangaloreans are a happy bunch of cycling people.
Our Current event is: One Day Cycling Trip to Savan Durga 09Jan2010, details below:
- Destination: Savandurga
- Route: Will be shared with the participants
- Departure: 6:00 am
- Arrival: 6:00 pm (tentative)
- Distance: A total of 120Kms of cycling.
- Safety: We would have a back up Vehicle accompanying us through out the trip, First Aid kit would also be available.
- The charges would be shared by all the participants in order to have a safe trip.
- Cycles are also available on rent, for those who are really interested to participate at applicable rental charges.
- Max no of participants is 10 register quickly